From the experience of selling products and providing services of A-HOST to more than 100 customers in various businesses, we have found that there are many organizations are struggle with problems in bringing information technology systems (: IT systems) to applied in the organization processes for benefits and support of business operations. Some organizations had invested and found that’s not worth for. Some organizations were unable to achieve their intended objectives and many other problems without being able to identify the root cause of not achieving the referred objectives.
IT Management Consulting Service (IMC)
A-HOST has seen these problems faced by customers. Therefore, the IT Management Consulting Service (IMC) has been designed to offer IT consulting to senior executives of the organization. To assess the nature of the problem and study the needs of the business, analyze the impacts in a comprehensive manner and determine guidelines for comprehensive information technology system improvement and present it to senior management in order to make decisions on improving the current IT plan and to be able to determine future IT plans, both short-term and long-term. Also known as IT Master Plan.
A-HOST has designed a consulting service process (IMC Service Process) that can fully meet the needs of each organization. By using modern technology Good practices (Best Practices) accepted around the world and IT work process standards that are appropriate for that organization to analyze, design, and recommend approaches, processes, and options. To respond to the objectives of the executives by considering covering many important dimensions which include:
1. System

2. Process
The organization can have better risk management and has the ability to conduct business continuously in accordance with accepted standards or regulations of regulatory agencies. Also be able to consider taking steps to improve IT system management to be efficient in order of importance and according to an appropriate budget
3. People